Reasons Your Kids Need Estate Planning

by | Feb 4, 2023 | Uncategorized

Reasons Your Kids Need Estate Planning 1675445871996

The proactive approach to lifelong protection

As the parent of three young adult children, I can attest that one of the most frightening thoughts I had as my children left for college was that something would happen to them and I wouldn’t know or be able to help.

I’ll admit that the transition from high school to college was difficult for me, as a parent. I had to keep reminding myself that the transition from my kids perspective was very different. They were excited about going out on their own, into the world. But my fear of something happening was very real, and I know I am not the only parent who felt like this. Young adults, after all, are still learning, growing and changing. They still need the help and guidance of their parents, especially when something serious happens.

My experience showed me the importance of helping young adult children engage in “starter” estate planning.

When most people hear “estate planning” thoughts of much older people come to mind. Planning for death is the image most people associate with estate planning. However, estate planning is much broader than planning for aging and passing. Estate planning, done right, is a process of protecting yourself, your family, your assets and your well-being, in stages, as life’s milestones are reached.

Going off to college is absolutely a big life milestone, for you and your children. Preparing for emergencies that might arise while children reach college age, is the first step towards building an estate plan that grows and changes with your child’s needs. It also gives you, as parents, the peace of mind of knowing that you will have the ability to make decisions for your young adult in an emergency.

Cara Law wants you to know that estate planning is life planning, from early adulthood and through all of life’s big events.

Begin by helping your child create a power of attorney and a health care proxy as soon as they turn 18. This small step will have big advantages should your child be injured or disabled for any reason. In addition to creating these documents, Cara Law provides a laminated wallet card for each child with information about who to call and who has emergency decision making power.

Schedule your zoom appointment with Jackie Cara today. You will feel better and your child will have started a lifelong journey of protecting themselves and their assets through all of their life’s milestones.

Ask about the “Starter Estate Plan” which includes a zoom consultation with your adult child, preparation of health care proxies and powers of attorney, for one low, flat fee.

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