
You Absolutely Need a Backup

You Absolutely Need a Backup

Occasionally, a client will ask me “Do I really need a backup or successor listed on my Power of Attorney, Health Care Proxy, Will or Trust”?  Almost everytime my answer is an unequivocal YES!... But “why do I need to name a successor . . .”  Because, I tell them, we...

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Do I Need a Health Care Proxy?

Do I Need a Health Care Proxy?

A Health Care Proxy, sometimes called a Health Care Agent or decision maker, is a document you create in which you name the person you choose to make medical decisions when you can’t.   The document names a first decision maker or agent and should also list “back-up”...

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Top 3 Reasons You Need a Power of Attorney

Top 3 Reasons You Need a Power of Attorney

A Power of Attorney is a legal document that allows you to choose a trusted person to make financial decisions for you.   A cornerstone of a comprehensive estate plan, a Power of Attorney, works for you now, during an illness or injury, and later, during incapacity.  ...

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