Video: What is probate? Explained by Industry Expert and Attorney, Jackie Cara

by | Oct 24, 2023 | Uncategorized

Video What Is Probate Explained By Industry Expert And Attorney Jackie Cara 1698151799443
If you have recently inherited something, or are the executor of someone’s last will and testament, but you are unfamiliar with the process or what happens next, this video with Estate Attorney, Jackie Cara, helps explain it in a way that anyone can understand. Learn about the probate process, how to protect your net worth, correctly titling assets and what that means, as well as what assets are subject to probate, and which are not.
Inheriting an estate isn’t quite as simple as it sounds. Luckily, there are attorney’s like Cara Law that have years of experience, that know the right way to create wills and trusts in order to protect your estate, but who also is very familiar with situations where this wasn’t done and can assist you either way!

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